Father of teenage online gamer and Wicked Stepmother could hardly believe their ears.
There were movements from the upstairs habitat of said online gamer. Sounds of teenage person getting up. But the clock said it was still morning. How could this be, especially on a Sunday?
Gollum Boy, our teenage online gamer does not appear before afternoon as a rule. ( There are other posts about Gollum Boy. If you want to go back to the beginning here is the link.)

I’m the Wicked Stepmother. I’m the one who has had the reputation for being the negative voice in the household.
I worry that our teenage online gamer is making unhealthy choices, sitting up there in the dark, playing these games for hour after hour.
On weekends we usually see him only when he’s hungry.
What could have made him change his habits this last Sunday morning?
The League of Legends Championship final.
This is what he was watching –
And he continued until the end, only slipping downstairs for sustenance to keep him going.

There’s no harm in watching your team play sport, even if nowadays they’re calling it e-sport which only involves having a fast hand and fingers. I understand the attraction. These team players are as much gamers’ heroes as football fans’ favourite players.
But, I think, most football fans have a life outside of football, don’t they? They can talk about other things, can’t they?
Our online gamer was still at it at 2am this morning. He’d done a 14 hour shift. Sounds carry at night when the house is quiet and I heard him simply shifting position on his sofa. (His loft room is directly above our bedroom)
I pulled the plug on our internet connection.
Biological parent is backing me up today. The plug comes out at 11pm every night from now on, school holidays and all.
What would you do?
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