Wicked Stepmother hasn’t posted for a while.
She’s been a little under the weather. These long French school holidays are a strain, particularly when coping with complications from CRPS – you know- the shortage of sleep, the constant pain etc.

Wicked Stepmother was at the end of her tether
with Gaming person who lives upstairs, otherwise known as Gollum Boy who has had close to three months off school. I’ll repeat that – THREE months off school. All right then, two and a half. One is prone to exaggeration when one is at the end of aforementioned tether.
None of his chores were being completed.

A job even little kids can do – GB doesn’t get up in the morning so if you need clean plates and cups etc. for lunch (as you do) you have to empty the dishwasher yourself.
He’d conveniently forget to take out the trash.
(We have three collections weekly here in France. During very hot summers you need non recyclables to be gone. Fast.)

See, little kids can do it. GB did it when he was little. But now he’s GB. He’s only interested in online gaming and as we’ve already seen, gamers are cuckoos in your house, lady.
They take. They never offer to give.
Biological parent (BP) and Wicked Stepmother (WS) grew tired of always having to ask GB to do his chores.
He refused point blank to get up before his preferred 1pm or even later. He refused point blank to help with bringing in supermarket shopping and putting it away.
Yesterday he said he was inviting 7 of his friends to come round here for the last day of school summer vacation. They would like to use the pool and possibly stay for something to eat.
Wicked Stepmother refused point blank.
‘No,’ she said. ‘And the reason is this. Since my incapacitation last December when I was hit by a car, you have shown so little consideration for your father and me. This morning I have yet again emptied the dishwasher for you and washed all your clothes.
Throughout the whole of the summer holidays you have offered to do nothing. And yet you still expect to get what you want. It isn’t happening any more. Neither is your ironing. I don’t want to wear your tee shirts. You do. You iron them. This is what is called working to rule.
Wicked Stepmother signing out for now.
And if you think WS is being over the top in her treatment of online gamer – watch this video of what happens to some gaming addicts in China.
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