Crusts are poisonous. They must be. Kids leave them. Who hasn’t seen a slice of bread like this in the picture below? Crusts are so poisonous kids leave them even if, really, to be perfectly honest, they really like the stuff they’ve left behind on their plates.
Why do kids leave crusts?

They do it to get to you, you know. Kids leave crusts behind just so’s they can let you know who’s really in charge here.
In my last Wicked Stepmother post I showed you photos of the poisonous crusts making a regular appearance on my kitchen table each morning. Not to mention the half a jar of Nutella smeared on them. The Nutella saga requires a Chronicle post all of its very own, together with the tomato ketchup one, jars of which get flushed from where it’s been left on the plate down the plughole on a regular basis.

Now, we’re not talking little kids here. Not toddlers. Not primary schoolers. Not anybody who isn’t taller than me.
We’re talking nearly 16 years old, towering over the top of me and so sharp you’d prick your finger if you went to hug him.
I thought I had a cunning plan. Remember? The poisonous Brioche crust story?

Buy Brioche rolls, Wicked Stepmother! They haven’t got crusts, Wicked Stepmother. You can wipe the smile right off his face, Wicked Stepmother, when you present him with something so devilishly delicious he can’t bear to leave even the tiniest morsel.
I found Brioche rolls with added crème fraiche. My mouth watered just looking at them. The aroma from the packet was vanilla and buttery and eggy and crème fraichey.
Not even a saint on hunger strike could have resisted.

No. I couldn’t believe it, either. Take a closer look at teenage kid getting one over on me.

I pretended I hadn’t noticed.
Well, all you Wicked Stepmothers out there. You’ve got to keep face.