Orchestrate – there are a lot of synonyms
that mean orchestrate. Here are just a few:-

harmonize, integrate, synthesise, unify, put together – or, as is appropriate right now- PULL together.
We’re having to do all these things during these weeks of Covid 19 lockdown. It’s important we’re all attempting to orchestrate our recovery from this horrible virus that’s infecting the world. Although we might have to do our bit in isolation from others you could say we’re a bit like cogs in a wheel. We have to pull together to make the whole thing work.
Stay at Home

I’ve just completed week four of staying at home. Yes, I get bored. I get worried too. It doesn’t do you any good, though, to whinge or moan. It only makes you feel worse. I try to concentrate on how lucky I am to have a home in which to self-isolate and a garden where I can watch our Norfolk wildlife.
Can I orchestrate my thoughts?
If I could get my head in the right place I’d be completing my seventh book (fourth novel) but instead I’ve been finding other things to do. It’s as if I have to move my whole body – sitting still to create is out of reach just now. I joined the WordPress daily prompt initiative in the hopes I could settle into writing again. Writing short posts like this one is the limit of my ability just now. So I garden. I cook new recipes. Bake cakes and bread when there’s flour in the supermarket. I take a short walk and watch the Downing Street briefing at 5pm every day to see what the latest developments are. I’m trying to put structure into my life of confinement.
Harmony out of chaos
We don’t know how long these restrictions will continue. I’m in an ‘at risk’ group as I’m older and because of CRPS. I suppose when we reach the point where restrictions are lifted a little, I’ll have to wait longer.

But, surely, we’ll get there. In the meantime I have to content myself with the knowledge I’m doing the best I can.