April – a time to joke?
Can we still have an April joke in 2020?
Some say the word April comes from the Latin ‘aperire’ – to open. In the old Roman calendar April was the second month of the year, a hopeful time with new beginnings and new life springing up all over the place.

But it’s hard to keep hopeful. England is in crisis due to Covid19. No walking in the park beneath cherry blossom for us this year. Got to keep our distance from other people. We can’t visit family and friends for Easter. Shops are closed and streets are empty. Beaches and country parks are deserted . Cities look like ghost towns.
Self isolation – no joke
I’m in week three of my self-isolation having begun it a week before the government said I should. Social distancing they’re calling it – to help stop the spread of the virus.

I haven’t been able to sit still. This is the first time I’ve taken to my desktop to write anything. In between cleaning, laundry, gardening, batch-cooking etc. etc. I’ve shared a few posts on Facebook and savoured a cuppa while reading others’ humorous memes connected to this horrible pandemic and I’ve enjoyed the joke. Here’s a couple of my favourites. I’d like to give credit but I can’t find the originals now. Apologies to the creative souls who put them together.

Wouldn’t we feel safer if he was in charge? At times like this we really feel the need to have confidence in our leaders. Disaster films are one thing but this is FOR REAL. Here in the UK we’re building up to a massive demand for answers to our questions. But let’s get on with what we have to do now to play our part in our country’s eventual recovery. Then we must find and pay for ways to ensure the future is safer for our children and grandchildren.
Dark humour is appropriate right now. I like the following quip too which I saw the other day.

The enforced ‘stay at home’ opens up cracks in the most stable of relationships and families. Maybe an April joke will help get you through.
I wish all my readers good health. Stay safe.