A Measured Man – my latest novel
How to describe it? I can tell you what it isn’t. The book doesn’t fit the RomCom genre. Although there are elements of comedy within its themes, A Measured Man’s humour is poignant. Sometimes it’s painful, at times exasperating. Aubrey Tennant is a complex character as you’d expect from my novels. I placed it in the contemporary literary fiction category because that seemed to be the best fit.
At the heart of the book is the unusual relationship between Aubrey Tennant and Lisa Miller. It isn’t so much a slow burner: it’s a slow realisation of what they both want for the rest of their lives.
Who is the Measured Man?
Aubrey Tennant is a bachelor in his fifties who is still looking for his ideal woman. The trouble is, he has exacting requirements. He relies on rehearsed questions to extract from potential candidates what he needs to know. When he meets Lisa Miller on his annual trip to Torquay he doesn’t know she’s already buried two husbands.

Promoting A Measured Man
As a self-published author I try to put as much effort into self promotion as I’m able. Sometimes the #CRPS gets in the way and I have to rest but I’m still learning how to get my message out to potential readers.
The first thing I did to find early feedback on A Measured Man was contact a local neighbourhood group to offer freebies pre-publication. This has brought me some valuable contacts and a ready-made email list for other books.
I’ve gone back to Goodreads and made sure all my books stop linking to Amazon France.
I’ve found out how I can share designs I create on Canva with Twitter and Instagram. I love Canva. I know it isn’t oriented especially for authors as is Bookbrush but I find Canva easy to understand and use.
I’ve learned how to use Facebook adverts so that I can redirect people who click on the link to my author page on Amazon where all my books are listed.
I’m also experimenting with three of my books on Kobo, an alternative ebook reader to see if I can find an audience there.
Where to get your copy
You can order in the UK on the link that appears here.
Readers in USA can order here.
For book lovers in Canada it’s here.
You’ll also find all my books in the English Language Section on Amazon throughout Europe.

Thank you for visiting. Please share if you can to help Aubrey on his way.
Till next time,