I‘m delighted with the cover for Patterns of Our Lives.
So much so, I’ve decided to reveal the cover of my upcoming novel. Here’s a sneak preview:
Cover reveal

Patterns of Our Lives
My first novel is a family saga from 1935 to 2010. Set in Yorkshire and Norfolk, the book follows widow Audrey Freeman’s search for the truth about her mother.
How could generations of one family keep so many secrets for so long?
Do you know the full story of all those people who feature in your old photograph albums? Those little square black and white pictures don’t tell the whole truth. Maybe none of us is ever meant to know.
Heartwarming, heartbreaking, Patterns of Our Lives is essentially a story about love and the sacrifices people make in its name.

I’ve borrowed heavily from knowledge of my birthplace but I’ve messed around with its geography. I ask the good people of Keighley, West Yorkshire and their neighbours in Bingley for their forgiveness. Kingsley is my fictitious town based on both my former haunts.
Similarly, I ask the people of Norfolk to forgive my messing with their geography, too.
Of Yorkshire and Norfolk in wartime I have no personal experience. Events in Patterns of Our Lives are authentic. Characters are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons either living or dead is entirely coincidental.
But then, I would say that, wouldn’t I?
Publication by Amazon as a paperback and for Kindle – only weeks away!
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(Edited June 8th) Publication date brought forward to June 14th. Get it for your summer read.
Here’s a link:http://ow.ly/y0jUH