The first day of the Féria ends with disco music and foam party that goes on way past midnight. Best to wear your not so best clothes. You are going to get very wet. Kids love it, as do mums and dads. Even grandmas like me have been known to enjoy a little dip in the suds. It’s a great way to open the fiesta. Kids go home exhausted.

They’ll sleep like logs ready for another fun-packed day.
On day two of the Féria, the professionals arrive.
They wear their suit of lights, the traditional costume of bullfighters.

The traditional design of the torero’s costume is steeped in history. The description, suit of lights, refers to the thousands of sequins and reflective threads of gold and silver embroidered on the silk. The donning of this 18th century costume is a ritual in itself, whereby the torero attended by his squire is literally dressed to kill.
Here’s a lovely video by Mike Randolph about the making of a suit of lights:
After the morning session of our Féria is over, lunch is usually paella cooked in enormous pans or a variety of meats grilled over vine wood on open fires. In the afternoon, it’s time for the Games.

This is going to be exciting. Mothers and grandmas wait with bated breath. Their sons are gathering in the ring to pit their wits against this great beast. Grandfathers look on proudly.
The young bloods of the village lie down in front of the bulls’ entrance.
When the beast charges into the arena, he will, in theory, leap over the prostrate bodies in the sand.
There’s a bellowing noise. The crowd goes quiet. The bull is coming. Look out!

That was some weight that just went thundering by. The boy in the green shirt near top left of the photo can hardly believe his eyes. There’s more fun to come.
I think he lasted all of three seconds.
These boys have got to be fast. In my next clip, one of them wasn’t quite fast enough.
Day two of the Féria ends with live music from a big band with dancing girls and fireworks at midnight.
Sleep well. There’s another full day tomorrow.

Nice one Celia, I enjoyed reading this one.Keep going please. Roll on start of choir.
Thank you Barney.Yes, I’m looking forward to getting back to singing. I miss everybody! See you soon,
Cheers! Celia